Thursday, January 30, 2025

Happy Year of the Wood Snake

Ummm, hello! So, the last four years huh? 

A few weeks ago we had the annual David Berman January 4th birthday tribute show at Bowery Ballroom; always great to see old friends and play those songs. As Gate says it's a sad reason but a good feeling to celebrate David and his works.

Now it's the Year of the Wood Snake, which I understand to be about moving forward in a thoughtful and efficient way towards the future you want, from a place of calm stability. While calm stability might be a tall order these days, at least focusing on practical matters towards playing more music feels achievable, and something that is at least a net positive in the world.

Anyway, given the desirability of decentralizing social media as a way to communicate about music things, and given that there are music things coming up to communicate about, I thought I'd revive this, and add an email list function so you don't have to remember to religiously check each morning with your coffee. Sound good? 

We've got some stuff coming up: TLA show in Brooklyn on 3/1 with me and Matt and Clara Salyer on bass, and then I'm glomming on to a tour of Japan in May with Gary Olson, organized by great friend Kenji Sekioka; for that I'll be playing TLA and bossa nova stuff on nylon string and Clara will back me up on organ. So that's about 1000% more activity than last year and the goal is to keep the ball moving! Let's stay in touch about it!

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